Monday, January 5, 2009

Good Morning EthanWorld

It's -50 farenheit on ethan-partyofone. How sad freezing to the point no one is commenting on his blog. :( Please comment so we cand make it a bright and sunny forecast next week. The popluation in EthanWorld is a couple. It is like ancient history now. No one visits ethan-partyofone just like the good ol' days back in 08. Please comment so EthanWorld can be a BETTER place. Just to let you know it's ice here back in EthanWorld. The ice here looked great enough for hockey. But that didn't work. Hockey

Now back to you Jaylee in JayleeLand and then the terroist reports back in Keedler, ZX which Connor from ConnorFord will tell you about. Right after this break.

Freezing Freezing Cold


Denver said...

(a) I comment on your blog!!!!! and (b) What about Denverworld for the sports report!?!?!?!?

That's +10 degrees!!!!

me[connor] said...

omgoodness connorford is awesome i will start tlakin bout it on my blog omgooodnes!!!!!!!!!!! denver connor ford also includes sports